Public debate, workshop, exhibition
part of LGBT History Month
Atelier 35
8.02 - 10.03 2014
In the past year we have went out to several protests, sometimes enthusiastically, other times just to help raise up the critical mass. Various causes, from saving Rosia Montana ad stopping shell gas exploiting to blocking the mediation law or the law for the so called euthanization of stray dogs have shown that the solidarity they all promote is an idea much more complicated to put in practice than it might seem. Maybe on some occasions we had to purposefully leave behind our pink (LGBTQIA) or purple (feminist) flags because they weren't that compatible with the rest of the actual or virtual flags to be found in the street. And maybe sometimes we left the flag home without being aware of it.
It’s time for queering the protests.
As a result of the workshop, the pink triangle was created. Continuing a history of positivising negative, opressive appeals in the frame of feminist and lgbtqia movements, the pink triangle is a direct reference to nazi camp denotation. By positivising the symbol, the collective gesture is meant to affirm a political identity at the intersection of radical feminist, lgbtqia and anti-authoritarian politics.
Comprised out of two elements: the public installation, visible from the windows of the gallery space and pink felt pins, used at the LGBTQIA Pride in Bucharest several months later.
Pink Triangle, felt, 1.6m each side. View of the installation.
Felt pins used at the Bucharest Pride several months later.
Street view of the installation.